This document shows two programming examples using the built in assembler of BBCBASIC for the Einstein to input and output bytes via its USER PORT. Programming requires configuring the Einstein’s internal Z80 PIO IC.
Two programming listing examples are given for BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS to run in a MS/WINDOWS PC to transmit and receive bytes which run in conjunction with the BBCBASIC programs given for the Einstein.
Programming on the PC
Programming on the Einstein
• Z80 PIO and interrupt handshaking -
Writing to the z80 pio control port
•Set up for Mode 0 (output) and Mode 1 (input)
More About The Einstein’s Z80 PIO
•Einstein’s printer port -
Program Listings
•U_OUT_EN.BBC Einstein User Port Output
•U_IN_EN.BBC Einstein User Port Import
•XP_IN.BBC BBC4W’s PC printer port Imput
•XP_OUT.BBC BBC4W’s PC printer port Output
By Chris Coxall
Programming on The PC using BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS
The programming for BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS has been kept to basic basic so to run in a window as would be expected to run in a full screen DOS version of basic or as would be expected to be how the Einstein or other vintage computers would display running programs. There has been no attempt to take advantage of BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS ability to use windows features such dialogue boxes or drop down menus that can be used with BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS.
An an exception to simple programming in the listings are system calls to third party
WINIO support files to access computer ports directly when using XP and WIN2000.
The WINIO files must be present in the same folder that the bbcbasic for windows
files are saved to. The intention of simple programming is to show a basic guide
which can be followed and understood by others who have a preference to use other
programming for writing windows software. The two programs given are just small enough
to run in the free Demo version of BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS. The required third party
WINIO support files come with the BBC4W installation package. See BBC4W HELP index-
It might be possible for the two BBC4W programs given to exchange data by bytes between two windows PC's via their ECCP printer ports. This has not been tried. Download XP_IN.BBC and XP_OUT.BBC in a zip archive from
The Tatung Einstein Computer Website
Einstein Programming for the Z80 PIO and interrupt handshaking
•Basic principles for mode 0 output and mode 1 input.
Programming the Z80 PIO for mode 0 (eight bit output) or mode 1 (eight bit input) with hardware handshaking requires an interrupt routine. The interrupt is generated by a high or pulse high received on the STB pin of the Einstein's user port set by strobe from the PC's printer port. An output of a byte to the PIO's data port will set the RDY pin on the user port high to be received by Acknowledge on the PC's printer port for mode 0 output. For input mode 1 the RDY signal is active when the input register is empty and is ready to accept data from the peripheral device.
The BBCBASIC programs for the Einstein's user port U_IN_EN.BBC and U_OUT_EN.BBC have been put into an Einstein Disk Image. Download from this web page. A 3.5 inch Einstein floppy can be made from the image in a PC floppy 3½”drive with CPCDiskXP software DOWNLOAD HERE
Files in the disk image can be extracted from the image into PC folder using EDIP
SEE PAGE edip.html
•FOR MODE 0 and MODE 1
%VVXX1111 . Bits D3-
Last 4 bits set to 1111 Signifies This Control Word is to set mode.
Bits D5 and D4 are ignored.
Bits D7 and D6 set to 01 sets PIO to mode 1 input
Bits D7 and D6 set to 00 sets PIO to mode 0 output
%VVVVVVV0 . Bit 0 set to 0 sets the low byte interrupt vector set by remaining bits.
D0 is used in this case as a flag bit which when low,
causes V7 through V1 to be loaded into the vector register.
0 in D0 Signifies This Control Word is an Interrupt Vector.
%00001100 interrupt vector low byte set to Hex 12.
HEX 12 is the low byte of a scratch pad address given by the Einstein's Machine Operating System at bootup.
The high byte needs to be in the Z80's I register. This is fixed to HEX FB by the Einstein at bootup.
Bits 0, 1 and 2 set to 111 This Signifies Control Word is to set interrupt.
%10000111 Bit 7 set to 1 enables interrupts.
A pdf user manual for the Z80 PIO can be downloaded here.
More About The Einstein’s Z80 PIO
The Z80 PIO has two ports for 8Bit input and output:
Port A and B. On the Einstein port A is configured to be compatible as a centronic’s
printer port at power up. Electronically this is set as mode 0 output but has a hardware
adaptor of a monostable which sets ARDY high as a 1us pulse. With the User Port
the BRDY is held high until a high is received by PIO’s BSTB pin.
Physically the Einstein’s printer port pin out in the manual labels a STROBE pin which is connected to the PIO’s ARDY and an ACKNOWLEDGE pin which connects to the PIO’s ASTB. The printer port’s BUSY, PE and ERROR connect to the Einstein’s command/status register.
If the Einstein’s printer port is used instead of the user port any of the Einstein’s software applications print commands will transfer output data but Additional Programming would be needed for input.
10 REM U_OUT_EN.BBC EINSTEIN BBCBASIC PROGRAM 20 REM TEST PROGRAM TO OUTPUT DATA BYTES 30 REM TO THE USER PORT USING INTERRUPT HANDSHAKING 40 REM OUTPUT CAN BE RECEIVED BY A PC ECCP PRINTER PORT 50 REM USING BYTE MODE SET FOR IMPORT. 60 REM RECIEVED ASCII DATA BYTES CAN BE READ TO SCREEN BY 70 REM XP_IN_WIN.BBC PROGRAM RUN BY BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS. 80 REM 90 REM *| WIRING EINSTEIN USER PORT/PC PRINTER PORT 100 REM *|PC data lines D0 to D7 to Einstein D0 to D7 110 REM *|PC strobe to Einstein STB 120 REM *|PC acknowledge to Eistein RDY. 130 REM *| PLUS ONE OR MORE GROUND 140 REM * 150 ON ERROR GOTO 1030 160 HIMEM=HIMEM- 180 DIM code 80 190 code=HIMEM+1 200 REM configpio =start_code+&11 :REM THESE VALUES ARE TO GIVE 210 REM outbyte =start_code+&3F :REM REFERENCE FOR OTHER ASSEMBLERS 220 REM PAOUT =start_code+&28 :REM IF ASSEMBLE CODE IS ALTERED 230 REM CODE SIZE 64 :REM NEW VALUES WILL BE PRINTED OUT 240 REM BY BASIC LINES 800 to 850 250 PRINT "Assembling code at... &";~code 260 PRINT"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ":H=GET 270 FOR pass=0 TO 1 280 P%=code 290 [OPT pass*3 300 .start_code 310 .flag DEFB 0 ;LATCH BYTE FOR INTERRUPT 320 .intrrpt ; INTERUPT ROUTINE 330 PUSH HL ; 340 PUSH DE ;ENDIF REGISTERS 350 PUSH BC ; 360 PUSH AF ; 370 LD HL,flag ;GET ADDRESS OF flag BYTE INTO HL 380 RES 0,(HL) ;SET BIT 0 OF flag TO 0 390 POP AF ; Note RST ops SHOULD NOT BE 400 POP BC ; USED IN AN INTERRUPT ROUTINE 410 POP DE ;RESTORE REGISTERS 420 POP HL ; 430 EI ;ENABLE INTERRUPTS 440 RETI ;RETURN FROM INTERRUPT 450 .configpio 460 LD A,&12 ;sets low byte of interrupt address 470 OUT (&33),A ;writes to USER port reg &12 %00010010 480 LD A,&0F ;sets PIO to mode 0 output 490 OUT (&33),A ;writes to USER port reg &0F %00001111 500 LD A,&87 ;enables interrupts 510 OUT (&33),A ;writes to USER port reg &87 %10000111 520 PUSH HL 530 LD HL,intrrpt ;LOAD HL INTERRUPT START ADDRESS 540 LD (&FB12),HL ;LOAD USER PORT SCRATCH PAD INTERRUPT ADDRESS 550 POP HL 560 IM 2 ; ENABLE INTERRUPT 2 MODE 570 RET 580 .PAOUT ;CODE TO OUTPUT BYTE ENDWHILE IN MEMORY LOCATION outbyte TO 590 PUSH HL 600 PUSH DE ;ENDIF REGISTERS 610 PUSH BC 620 PUSH AF 630 LD HL,flag ; FLAG BYTE ADDRESS FOR USER PORT INTERRUPT. 640 .POLL 650 BIT 0,(HL) 660 JR NZ,POLL 670 LD A,(outbyte) 680 OUT (&32),A ; outport Parallel port data reg. 690 SET 0,(HL) 700 POP AF 710 POP BC 720 POP DE ;RESTORE REGISTERS 730 POP HL 740 RET 750 .outbyte DEFB 0 ;USER LOADS BYTE FOR OUTPUT 760 .end RET 770 ] 780 NEXT pass 790 CALL configpio 800 PRINT "CODE BEGINS AT ADDRESS &";~start_code 810 PRINT "END CODE ADDRESS &";~end 820 PRINT "configpio =start_code+&";~configpio- 830 PRINT "outbyte =start_code+&";~outbyte- 840 PRINT "PAOUT =start_code+&";~PAOUT- 850 PRINT "CODE SIZE "; end- 860 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO START" 870 H=GET 880 REM THE EXAMPLE CODE CODE BELOW CAN BE CHANGED 890 REM THE INSTALLED MACHINE CODE CAN BE USED TO 900 REM SEND ANY BYTE OUT TO THE USER PORT 910 REM BY LOADING outbyte ADDRESS WITH THE 920 REM BYTE TO BE SENT AND CALLING PAOUT 930 REPEAT 940 D$=INKEY$(0) 950 FOR I=32 TO 126 960 ?outbyte=I 970 CALL PAOUT 980 PRINT" ";I; 990 NEXT I 1000 UNTIL D$="A" 1010 PRINT"END END END END " 1020 STOP 1030 REM 1040 REPORT:PRINT "AT LINE ";ERL:STOP |
10 *| XP_IN.BBC 20 *|PC WINDOWS PROGRAM TO RUN IN BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS 30 *|Windows BBC4W program XP_IN.BBC works with 40 *|U_OUT_EN.BBC running in the Einstein 50 *| 60 *|It works in conjunction with the Einstein 70 *|with linked PC ECCP printer port with the user 80 *|port on the Einstein. It will input data bytes 90 *|from the program U_OUT_EN.BBC running on the Einstein. 100 *| 110 *| WIRING EINSTEIN USER PORT 120 *|PC data lines D0 to D7 to Einstein D0 to D7 130 *|PC strobe to Einstein STB 140 *|PC acknowledge to Eistein RDY. 150 *|Plus one or more ground lines. 160 *| 170 *| 180 *|NEXT LINES CHECK TO SEE IF WINIO FILES ARE IN THE SAME DIRECTORY 190 SYS "GetFileAttributesA", "winio.vxd" TO ret% 200 IF ret%=- 210 SYS "GetFileAttributesA", "winiov1.sys" TO ret% 220 IF ret%=- 230 SYS "GetFileAttributesA", "winiov1.dll" TO ret% 240 IF ret%=- 250 *|NEXT TWO LINES TO SHUT DOWN WINIO ON PROGRAM ERRORS AND AT CLOSE 260 *|IF WINIO IS NOT CLOSED IT WILL NOT ALLWAYS INSTALL AGAIN WITHOUT A REBOOT 270 ON CLOSE SYS ShutdownWinIo% :PRINT:REPORT:STOP 280 ON ERROR SYS ShutdownWinIo% :PRINT:REPORT:STOP 290 datap%=&378: *|PRINTER LPT1 PORTS 300 status%=&378+1: *| 310 controll%=&378+2: *| 320 eccport%=&378+&402: *| 330 DIM dataport% 1: *|MEMORY LOCATIONS TO STORE 340 DIM eccp% 1 : *|PRINTER PORT READ AND WRITE BYTES 350 DIM statusp% 1 : *|FOR WINIO SYSTEM CALLS 360 DIM controllp% 1: *|SEE HELP Input/output using WINIO 370 380 *| ****************************** 390 *| ************************************** 400 *| ******** LOADS THIRD PARTY WINIO LIBRARY ******* 410 *| FILES WINIO.DLL, WINIO.SYS and WINIO.VXD must be in the 420 *| same directory (folder) as the executable program using them. 430 *|Note to install WINIO IN 2000 and XP administrative privileges ARE NEEDED 440 *|**************************************************************************** 450 SYS "LoadLibrary", "WINIO.DLL" TO winio% 460 IF winio% = 0 ERROR 0, "Could not load WINIO" 470 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "InitializeWinIo" TO InitializeWinIo% 480 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "ShutdownWinIo" TO ShutdownWinIo% 490 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "GetPortVal" TO GetPortVal% 500 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "SetPortVal" TO SetPortVal% 510 SYS InitializeWinIo% TO ok% 520 IF (ok% AND 1) = 0 ERROR 0, "Could not initialise WINIO" 530 *| ********************************************************** 540 *| 550 *|***************************************************************************** 560 PROC_set_byte_mode: *|SETS UP ECCP PARALLEL FOR BYTE MODE 570 PRINT 580 PROC_controll_input: *|SETS PRINTER PORT FOR INPUT 590 PRINT"RUN U_OUT_EN.BBC ON THE EINSTEIN THEN " 600 PRINT"PRESS ANY KEY TO RECEIVE INPUT FROM PRINTER PORT" 610 H=GET 620 PRINT''"TO CANCEL PRESS ESCAPE ON THE EINSTEIN KEY BOARD FIST "'\ 630 \"THEN ESCAPE ON THE PC KEYBOARD. " 640 *| ********************** 650 *| ******************** 660 *| **************************************** 670 *| ***************************************************************** 680 *|********** MAIN PROGRAM FOR EXPORTING Bytes TO THE PRINTER PORT ****************** 690 *| 700 *| 710 pollbyte=0: *| var to latch an acknowledge pulse 720 REPEAT 730 key$=INKEY$(0) 740 PROC_get 750 data%=?^dataport% 760 IF data%=13 PRINT CHR$(data%) 770 IF data% =>32 AND data%=<126 PRINT CHR$(data%); 780 UNTIL key$="A" OR key$="a" 790 SYS ShutdownWinIo% 800 STOP 810 *| ************************ END OF TO RECEIVE DATA ******************** 820 *| ********************** 830 *| *********DEF PROC_get************ 840 *|WHEN THE LPT1 PORT HAS BEEN INITIATED AND WINIO INSTALLED 850 *|PROC_get IS THE ONLY PROCEDURE NEEDED FOR THE USER TO IMPORT A BYTE 860 *|FROM THE pc PRINTER PORT data%=?^dataport% PUTS IMPORTED BYTE IN data% VAR 870 DEF PROC_get 880 REPEAT:PROC_poll_ack:UNTIL pollbyte<>0 890 PROC_strobe_low 900 SYS GetPortVal%, datap%, ^dataport%, 1 910 pollbyte=0 920 PROC_strobe_high 930 ENDPROC 940 *| ******************************************************************************* 950 960 *| ************* PROC_set_byte_mode DOES WHAT IS SAYS *************** 970 DEF PROC_set_byte_mode 980 SYS GetPortVal%, eccport%, ^eccp%, 1 990 byte=?^eccp% 1000 byte=byte AND %00111111 1010 byte=byte OR %00100000 1020 SYS SetPortVal%, eccport%, byte, 1 1030 SYS GetPortVal%, eccport%, ^eccp%, 1 1040 byte=?^eccp% 1050 D$=FN_BIN(byte) 1060 PRINT '"ENHANCED PARALLEL PORT" 1070 PRINT" BIT PATTEN ";D$ 1080 PRINT" Needed to set ECP port to byte mode. %001XXXXX" 1090 IF (byte AND %11100000)=%00100000 PRINT " BYTE MODE SET " ELSE PRINT"BYTE MODE NOT SET " 1100 ENDPROC 1110 1120 *| ************ PROC_controll_input ******************** 1130 *| ************ SETS LPT1 PRINTER PORT FOR INPUT 1140 *| ************ DISABLES INTERRUPTS 1150 *| ************ SETS STROBE LINE LOW (strobe hardware inverted) 1160 DEF PROC_controll_input 1170 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1180 ctrl=ctrl OR %00100001 :*| ; set bits 0 to 1 inverted 1 sets STROBE line to low. 1190 ctrl=ctrl AND %11101111 :*| ; bit 5 set to 1 for input 1200 : *| ; bit 4 set to 0 no interrupts set 1210 SYS SetPortVal%, controll%, ctrl, 1 1220 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1230 ctrl=?^controllp% 1240 D$=FN_BIN(ctrl) 1250 PRINT "CONTROLL PORT BIT PATTEN ";D$ 1260 PRINT " Needed bit 5 set to 1 for data input %XX1XXXXX" 1270 PRINT " To set bit 0 to 1. Sets STROBE line to low. %XXXXXXX1" 1280 PRINT " STROBE line hardware inverted" 1290 PRINT " Bit 4 set to 0 for no interrupts set. %XXX0XXXX" 1300 IF (ctrl AND %00100000)=32 PRINT " SET UP FOR IMPORT INSTALLED " ELSE PRINT "ERROR" 1310 PRINT 1320 ENDPROC 1330 1340 1350 DEF PROC_poll_ack 1360 SYS GetPortVal%, status%, ^statusp%, 1 1370 stat=?^statusp% 1380 ack%=stat AND %01000000 1390 IF ack%<>0 pollbyte=1 1400 ENDPROC 1410 1420 1430 DEF PROC_strobe_high 1440 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1450 ctrl=?^controllp% 1460 ctrl=ctrl AND %11111110 :*| ; set bit 0 to 0. Inverted- 1470 SYS SetPortVal%, controll%, ctrl, 1 1480 ENDPROC 1490 1500 1510 DEF PROC_strobe_low 1520 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1530 ctrl=?^controllp% 1540 ctrl=ctrl OR %00000001 :*| ; set bit 0 to 1. Inverted- 1550 SYS SetPortVal%, controll%, ctrl, 1 1560 ENDPROC 1570 1580 1590 *| *************** FUNCTION PRINTS OUT BINARY STRING OF VAR ************* 1600 *| E,G VAR NUMERIC VALUE 7 WOULD RETURN STRING VAR %00000111 1610 DEF FN_BIN(A%):LOCAL A$ 1620 REPEAT A$=STR$(A% AND 1)+A$:A%=A% >>> 1:UNTIL LEN A$=8:A$="%"+A$ 1630 =A$ 1640 *| ********************************************************************** 1650 1660 *| FINISH |
10 REM U_IN_EN.BBC EINSTEIN BBCBASIC PROGRAM 20 REM TEST PROGRAM TO IMPORT DATA BYTES 30 REM FROM THE USER PORT USING INTERRUPT HANDSHAKING 40 REM IMPORT CAN BE RECEIVED FROM A PC ECCP PRINTER PORT 50 REM RUNNING OUT_XP_large IN BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS 60 REM ECCP SET TO BYTE MODE AND FOR IMPORT. 70 REM 80 REM *| WIRING EINSTEIN USER PORT/PC PRINTER PORT 90 REM *|PC data lines D0 to D7 to Einstein D0 to D7 100 REM *|PC strobe to Einstein STB 110 REM *|PC acknowledge to Eistein RDY. 120 REM *| PLUS ONE OR MORE GROUND 130 REM * 140 ON ERROR GOTO 1110 150 HIMEM=HIMEM- 170 usrcon=&33 180 usrdata=&32 190 DIM code 80 200 code=HIMEM+1 210 PRINT "Assembling...code at &";~HIMEM+1 220 PRINT"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ":H=GET 230 FOR pass=0 TO 1 240 P%=code 250 [OPT pass*3 260 .start_code 270 .flag DEFB 0 280 .intrrpt ;interupt routine 290 PUSH HL 300 PUSH DE ;save registers 310 PUSH BC 320 PUSH AF 330 LD HL,flag 340 RES 1,(HL) ;at an interrupt byte at address flag has bit 1 set to zero. 350 POP AF 360 POP BC ;retrieve registers 370 POP DE 380 POP HL 390 EI ;enables interuppts 400 RETI ;returns from interrupt routine. 420 .configpio ;ROUTINE TO CONFIGER USER PORT FOR MODE 1 and INTERRUPS ENABLED 430 LD A,&12 ;sets low byte of interrupt address 440 OUT (usrcon),A ;writes to user port CONTROL reg &12 %00001100 450 ;sets low byte of interupt vector address 460 ;high byte of interupt vector address in Z80 I reg 470 ;set by Einstein at boot up to &FB. 480 LD A,&4F ;sets PIO to mode 1 490 OUT (usrcon),A ;writes to Einstein user port reg &4F %01001111 500 LD A,&87 ;enables interrupts 510 OUT (usrcon),A ;writes to parallel user port control reg &87 %10000111 520 PUSH HL 530 LD HL,intrrpt ; LOAD reg HL address of interupt routine. 540 LD (&FB12),HL ; LOAD interupt address into interupt vector at &FB12. 550 POP HL 560 IM 2 ; ENABLE INTERRUPT 2 MODE 570 RET 580 .getbyte ;ROUTINE TO IMPORT A SINGLE BYTE FROM THE USER PORT 590 PUSH HL 600 PUSH DE ;save registers on the stack 610 PUSH BC 620 PUSH AF 630 LD HL,flag 640 .POLL ;LOOP to poll bit 1 of flag set by interrupt routine. 650 LD HL,flag 660 BIT 1,(HL) 670 JR NZ,POLL ;IF flag bit 1 not zero loop back. 680 IN A,(usrdata) ;IF flag bit 1 zero get byte from user port into "A" register. 690 LD (imput_byte),A ;Put byte value of imported byte now in "A" register 700 ;into memory location "imput_byte" 710 SET 1,(HL) ;resets bit 1 of byte at memory location "flag" to 1. 720 POP AF 730 POP BC ;retrieve registers from stack. 740 POP DE 750 POP HL 760 RET 770 .imput_byte DEFB 0 780 .end 790 ] 800 NEXT pass 810 CALL configpio 820 PRINT "CODE BEGINS AT ADDRESS &";~start_code 830 PRINT "END CODE ADDRESS &";~end 840 PRINT "flag=start_code+&";~flag- 850 PRINT "configpio =start_code+&";~configpio- 860 PRINT "getbyte =start_code+&";~getbyte- 870 PRINT "imput_byte=start_code+&";~imput_byte- 880 PRINT "CODE SIZE "; end- 890 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO START" 900 REM USER PROGRAMING CAN BE ADDED HERE 910 REM RECEIVED IMPORT BYTES FROM USER PORT 920 REM ARE FOUND BY CALLING getbyte THEN 930 REM PEEKING THE ADDRESS imput_byte 940 REM "n=?imput_byte" IN BBCBASIC 950 REM 960 REM IN THE EXAMPLE PROGRAM BELOW 970 REM BYTE VALUES 32 to 126 TO BE PRINTED 980 REM TO SCREEN AS ASCII CHARACTERS IN THE PC 990 REM WITH BBC4W RUNNING P_IN_WIN.BBC 1000 REM 1010 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO RUN EXAMPLE PROGRAM" 1020 H=GET 1030 REPEAT 1040 D$=INKEY$(0) 1050 n=?imput_byte 1060 CALL getbyte 1070 IF n=13 PRINT 1080 IF n=>32 AND n=<126 PRINT CHR$(n); 1090 UNTIL D$="A" OR n=27 1100 STOP |
10 *|OUT_XP.BBC is just small enough to run in 20 *|the trial BBC4W demo version. 30 *|If additional basic lines are added delete 40 *|comments before running in demo version 50 *|a NO ROOM error could mean rebooting 60 *|before WINIO will install again. 70 *| 80 *| XP_OUT.BBC 90 *|PC WINDOWS PROGRAM TO RUN IN BBCBASIC FOR WINDOWS 100 *|Transfers bytes from the PC printer port to 110 *|Einstein’s USER PORT. 120 *|Requires WINIO support files WINIO.VXD, WINIOV1.DLL 130 *|and WINIOV1SYS in the same folder as this program. 140 *| 150 *|Windows BBC4W program OUT_XP.BBC works with 160 *|U_IN_EN.BBC running in the Einstein to send bytes 170 *|from the PC printer port to the Einstein's user 180 *|port. 190 *| 200 *| WIRING EINSTEIN USER PORT 210 *|PC data lines D0 to D7 to Einstein D0 to D7 220 *|PC strobe to Einstein STB 230 *|PC acknowledge to Einstein RDY. 240 *|Plus one or more ground lines. 250 *| 260 *| 270 *|This BBC4W Prog will work for win95/98 AND XP 280 *|The program is intended to poll acknowlede for 290 *|a pulse as output by RDY pin 5 of the 300 *|Einstein's Z80 PIO user port. 310 *| 320 *| 330 *| WHEN Linked To The Einstein User Port 340 *|All handshaking lines work as expected and data 350 *|can be received by U_IN_EN.BBC when run on the Einstein. 360 370 datap%=&378: *|PRINTER LPT1 PORTS 380 status%=&378+1: *| 390 controll%=&378+2: *| 400 eccport%=&378+&402: *| 410 DIM dataport% 1: *|MEMORY LOCATIONS TO STORE 420 DIM eccp% 1 : *|PRINTER PORT READ AND WRITE BYTES 430 DIM statusp% 1 : *|FOR WINIO SYSTEM CALLS 440 DIM controllp% 1: *|SEE HELP INDEX "Input/output using WINIO" 450 *| 460 *|NEXT LINES CHECK TO SEE IF WINIO FILES ARE IN THE SAME DIRECTORY 470 SYS "GetFileAttributesA", "winio.vxd" TO ret% 480 IF ret%=- 490 SYS "GetFileAttributesA", "winiov1.sys" TO ret% 500 IF ret%=- 510 SYS "GetFileAttributesA", "winiov1.dll" TO ret% 520 IF ret%=- 530 *|NEXT TWO LINES TO SHUT DOWN WINIO ON PROGRAM ERRORS AND AT CLOSE 540 *|IF WINIO IS NOT CLOSED IT WILL NOT ALLWAYS INSTALL AGAIN WITHOUT A REBOOT 550 ON CLOSE SYS ShutdownWinIo% :STOP 560 ON ERROR SYS ShutdownWinIo% :STOP 570 *| ****************************** 580 *| ************************************** 590 *| ******** LOADS THIRD PARTY WINIO LIBRARY ******* 600 *| FILES WINIO.DLL, WINIO.SYS and WINIO.VXD must be in the 610 *| same directory (folder) as the executable program using them. 620 *|Note to install WINIO IN 2000 and XP administrative privileges ARE NEEDED 630 *|**************************************************************************** 640 SYS "LoadLibrary", "WINIO.DLL" TO winio% 650 IF winio% = 0 ERROR 0, "Could not load WINIO" 660 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "InitializeWinIo" TO InitializeWinIo% 670 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "ShutdownWinIo" TO ShutdownWinIo% 680 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "GetPortVal" TO GetPortVal% 690 SYS "GetProcAddress", winio%, "SetPortVal" TO SetPortVal% 700 SYS InitializeWinIo% TO ok% 710 IF (ok% AND 1) = 0 ERROR 0, "Could not initialise WINIO" 720 *|***************************************************************************** 730 *| ********************************************************** 740 *| 750 PROC_set_byte_mode: *|SETS UP ECCP PARALLEL FOR BYTE MODE 760 PRINT 770 PROC_controll_output: *|SETS PRINTER PORT FOR OUT PUT 780 *| ********************************************* 790 *| ******************** 800 *| **************************************** 810 *| ***************************************************************** 820 *|********** MAIN PROGRAM FOR EXPORTING Bytes TO THE PRINTER PORT ****************** 830 *| 840 *| 850 pollbyte=0: REM var to latch an acknowledge pulse 860 PRINT " MAIN PROGRAM FOR EXPORTING BYTES TO THE PRINTER PORT " 870 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE MAIN PROGRAM "' 880 H=GET 890 PRINT "RUN U_IN_EN.BBC on the Einstein. "''"TO CANCEL PRESS ESCAPE ON THE EINSTEIN KEY BOARD FIST "'\ 900 \" THEN ESCAPE ON THE PC KEYBOARD. " 910 *|REPEAT and FOR NEXT loop create an example program. 920 REPEAT 930 FOR i=32 TO 126 940 D$=INKEY$(0) 950 *|The next four lines get a single byte from 960 *|the printer port and set handshaking. 970 PROC_strobe_low 980 REPEAT:PROC_poll_ack:UNTIL pollbyte=1 990 SYS SetPortVal%, datap%, i, 1 1000 pollbyte=0 1010 PROC_strobe_high 1020 NEXT i 1030 UNTIL D$="A" 1040 SYS ShutdownWinIo% 1050 STOP 1060 *| ******************************************************************************* 1070 1080 *| 1090 *| ************* PROC_set_byte_mode DOES WHAT IS SAYS *************** 1100 DEF PROC_set_byte_mode 1110 SYS GetPortVal%, eccport%, ^eccp%, 1 1120 byte=?^eccp% 1130 byte=byte AND %00111111 1140 byte=byte OR %00100000 1150 SYS SetPortVal%, eccport%, byte, 1 1160 SYS GetPortVal%, eccport%, ^eccp%, 1 1170 byte=?^eccp% 1180 D$=FN_BIN(byte) 1190 PRINT "ENHANCED PARALLEL PORT" 1200 PRINT" BIT PATTEN ";D$ 1210 PRINT" Needed to set ECP port to byte mode. %001XXXXX" 1220 IF (byte AND %11100000)=%00100000 PRINT " BYTE MODE SET " ELSE PRINT"BYTE MODE NOT SET " 1230 ENDPROC 1240 1250 *| ************ PROC_controll_output ******************** 1260 *| ************ SETS LPT1 PRINTER PORT FOR OUTPUT 1270 *| ************ DISABLES INTERRUPTS 1280 *| ************ SETS STROBE LINE LOW (strobe hardware inverted) 1290 DEF PROC_controll_output 1300 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1310 REM PROC_ctrl 1320 ctrl=ctrl OR %00000001 :*| ; set bits 0 to 1 inverted 1 sets STROBE line to low. 1330 ctrl=ctrl AND %11001111 :*| ; bit 5 set to 0 for output 1340 : *| ; bit 4 set to 0 no interrupts set 1350 SYS SetPortVal%, controll%, ctrl, 1 1360 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1370 ctrl=?^controllp% 1380 D$=FN_BIN(ctrl) 1390 PRINT "CONTROLL PORT BIT PATTEN ";D$ 1400 PRINT " Needed bit 5 set to 0 for data outport %XX0XXXXX" 1410 PRINT " Needed bit 4 set to 0 for NO interrupts %XXX0XXXX" 1420 PRINT " To set bit 0 to 1. Sets STROBE line to low. %XXXXXXX1" 1430 PRINT " STROBE line hardware inverted" 1440 ENDPROC 1450 1460 DEF PROC_poll_ack 1470 SYS GetPortVal%, status%, ^statusp%, 1 1480 stat=?^statusp% 1490 ack%=stat AND %01000000 1500 IF ack%<>0 pollbyte=1 1510 ENDPROC 1520 1530 1540 DEF PROC_strobe_high 1550 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1560 ctrl=?^controllp% 1570 ctrl=ctrl AND %11111110 :*| ; set bit 0 to 0. Inverted- 1580 SYS SetPortVal%, controll%, ctrl, 1 1590 ENDPROC 1600 1610 DEF PROC_strobe_low 1620 SYS GetPortVal%, controll%, ^controllp%, 1 1630 ctrl=?^controllp% 1640 ctrl=ctrl OR %00000001 :*| ; set bit 0 to 1. Inverted- 1650 SYS SetPortVal%, controll%, ctrl, 1 1660 ENDPROC 1670 1680 1690 *| *************** FUNCTION PRINTS OUT BINARY STRING OF VAR ************* 1700 *| E,G VAR NUMERIC VALUE 7 WOULD RETURN STRING VAR %00000111 1710 DEF FN_BIN(A%):LOCAL A$ 1720 REPEAT A$=STR$(A% AND 1)+A$:A%=A% >>> 1:UNTIL LEN A$=8:A$="%"+A$ 1730 =A$ 1740 *| ********************************************************************** 1750 1760 *|FINISH |